Valentines Poetry Competition: The Winner's Story

Valentines Poetry Competition winner showcases her Top Tree Gifts.

The Tree2mydoor Valentines Poetry Competition is once again over and we have crowned a new winner of our love poems. We have had an amazing response this year and the competition has been very close. We would like to welcome everyone who entered and say a big thank you for brightening up our February. Do you want to know who won this year with her amazing poem? Then look no further, Tree2mydoor is going to spill the beans on this years amazing winners story.

Tree2mydoor has a proud new winner of the amazing Valentines Poetry Competition earning herself £100 in lovely tree gift vouchers.

Our lovely winner this year with the amazing poem titled The Food of Love is none other than..... Laura Newbould Jones!

You can see Laura wonderful poem here to brighten up your day.

We did ask Laura a few questions about what made her enter this year's competition and what she will spend her winnings on this year. Laura clearly loves Tree Gifts and we are delighted to have her in the Tree2mydoor family!

The first question we had was what made Laura enter this year's competition (apart from the amazing £100 Gift Voucher) and we couldn't be more delighted with the response. Laura has been wanting to do some writing for a while so she searched for competitions online and found ours... "I looked on your website and liked what you were about!"(You're too kind Laura!) Tree2mydoor might have encouraged Laura's new career move as she told us in strict confidence that "You are friendly and you may have just kick-started my career change!" So we may see a Poet Laureates debut right here on Tree2mydoor! (But... sshhhusshh... Don't say anything)

Laura loved so many of our products and she even said she would like a Lemon Tree Gift so she can enjoy those lovely Gin and Tonics. What she really wanted was a Tree Gift that will look beautiful sat either side of her front door. Take a look at Laura's Top Picks.

The Winning Tree Gifts:


Bay Tree Gift-


Bay Tree Gift by Tree2mydoor Bay tree Gift

The Medium Bay Tree Gift is a Mediterranean delight, gracing the front doors of many homes for hundreds of years. What is more classic than a majestic Bay Tree to welcome visitors to your lovely home.

We have a full range of sizes so you will find the perfect Bay Tree for your Bungalow, Terrace, Detached or Stately Home!

Remember a Man's home is his Castle, a Woman's home is her Palace.

We think Laura has excellent taste is selecting these beautiful Bay Trees as one of her "Hot Picks". They really would look stunning sat side by side giving a warm welcome home at the end of the day.

Price- £19.99- £129.98


Olive Tree Gift-

Twisted Stem Olive Tree Gift Olive Tree Gift


Just like the beautiful Bay Trees we have, the Olive Tree Gift is another evergreen delight. Majestic and stunning this really will look beautiful pride of place beside the doors of any home. Do you want a splash of class to grace your door then look no further? Stunning yet simple, always the best combination.

The Olive Tree gift will of course give you Olives, these can be used for many things. You can eat them, make oil, or just have them as decoration to bring back those happy memories of holidays gone. While creating anticipation for ones yet to come.

We are sure Laura will find somewhere for these beautiful Trees to stand, who couldn't! The beautiful Olive Tree Gifts should be atop everyone wish list!

Price- £23.99- £129.98


Lemon Tree Gift:


Lemon Tree Gift with Fruit Lemon Tree Gift

The zesty Lemon Tree gift is the power house of our Citrus Trees Range. These are not meant to be kept outdoors so they wont be the best choice to welcome someone to Laura's front door.

They do give you so many other thing, like Lemons for Gin and Tonic, a centre piece for a room like your conservatory and it is the gift that everyone talks about. How many other people do you know that can pick a Lemon off their very own tree? Saying that why not Grapefruit? Chinotto or Calamondin?

Remember those Lemons can also be made into Cakes and Tarts, squeezed into Tea or just as a snack for the more health conscious amongst us.

Price- £49.99



Trees really do make a difference.

Laura has been  very kind to allow us to ask some questions about her experience with the Tree2mydoor Valentines Poetry Competition and she has given some wonderful advice to people who will enter next year.

"I'm soo pleased, its the first competition I've entered and it has given me confidence to write some more pieces. I'd never heard of but now I know about you I will certainly be keeping you in mind for future gifts... I like your ideas and what
you stand for... You are friendly and you may have just kick started my career change!"

(Laura, your making us BLUSH!)

The final note is what advice would you give, and being the true writer she is she said it beautifully...

"Just to keep writing and the ideas will come, enjoy it, you never know, you could be lucky like me!"

So, you heard it here first, we have a newly crowned Queen of the Tree2mydoor Valentines Competition. Laura congratulations again, and many thanks to everyone that entered this year to make it so special.

Full details of all competitions can be found on our Facebook and Twitter Pages

Keep those pens at the ready as our Love Bug Valentines Competition will be back!

Valentines Love!
