It’s officially been the first few days of summer and a glimpse of hot weather is already on the way.
Caring for your plants in hot weather is easy once you know-how, our simple tips below will have you well on your way to taking great care of your garden even on the hottest of days. Our helpful tips will mean you can have a stress-free, green garden year-round.
Caring for your garden in a heatwave
Don’t worry too much about the grass
Your lawn may start to look a little brown and patchy in areas but don’t panic! Believe it or not, your grass is great at bouncing back from dry weather. As soon as it starts to cool the grass will return to its green self in no time.
Another way to help is to reduce the amount you mow the lawn. During periods of dry hot weather, reduce down to mowing once a week.
Only water plants in the early morning or evening

Rethink your watering schedule on hot days and only water in early mornings and evenings. Watering on a hot day when the sun is out will lead to moisture loss and evaporation, not only just does this waste essential water but it won’t give the plants the drink they really need. Watering your plants in the early morning or evening will allow for the plants and surrounding soil to absorb as much as possible before the heat of the day hits.
Avoid getting water on the foliage
If you choose to water in the mornings, avoid splashing water on foliage and flowers. This is a quick ticket to leaf burn as water droplets act as a magnifying glass when then the sun shines scorching the leaves below.
Add a layer of organic mulch

A quick way to help conserve soil moisture is to add a thick layer of organic mulch around the rooted areas. Mulch can be anything from well-rotted manure or compost to a layer of wood chippings and will limit water evaporation from the soil.
Raking the mulch through the topsoil is another great way of helping retain moisture a little further down. If you don’t have anything to mulch with then vermiculite is a lifesaver.
Avoid disturbing the soil too much
Limit the amount of digging you do on hot days, avoiding entirely if possible. Turning and disturbing the soil promotes quick evaporation and the soil will dry out much quicker during the day.
Plant a few drought resistants varieties
Keep your garden looking healthy through the heatwave by planting some drought-resistant varieties. Herbs are a great choice and adding some rosemary and lavender plants will really brighten up the garden. Plus they’re great for bringing some extra wildlife and their fragrance intensifies with warm weather.
Make sure your plants are well-fed
Nourish your garden in hot weather and help it bounce back with a good feed. Adding some feed to your watering will provide your garden with much-needed nutrients giving it an extra lease of life when it does start to heat up.
Get to know what your garden needs

Even with the tips above, everyone’s garden is different, each with its own specific needs. Depending on which way your garden faces, how much sun you get throughout the day and even soil type you have can all affect the way you should care for your garden so get to know it.
When should you plant in hot weather?
Cloudy, overcast days are the best for planting so plan accordingly. Once the plants are in, make sure to give them a good soak straight afterwards to help the roots establish in the soil. Keep new plants moist and don’t let them dry out. A great way to help new plants with retaining moisture is to create a half and half mix of potting soil and mulch.