Find our top list of Gardening Jobs for July below to see what you should be getting on with this month and get your garden ready for the summer BBQ season!
Native Tree Saplings in July

Our tree saplings are currently growing like crazy which means they are looking amazing right about now and perfect to be sent or received as a gift.
Receiving or sending a tree gift. Whether you have received one of our tree saplings or are planning to send one over the next few weeks have a read of our advice for this month.
Planting your tree sapling. Our saplings can be planted at almost any time of the year. Throughout July, they should be taken out of the box as soon as possible and placed outside. To keep the sapling healthy, aim to plant as soon as possible to avoid it drying out.
Plant in a large pot. We recommend starting your tree sapling off in a large pot where it can spend the first few years of its life. Start at around 10L in size to make sure it has enough room to grow.
Keep well watered. Wherever you choose to plant your sapling, make sure to keep it well watered this month while it’s hot. The tree needs it’s root systems to become established so with frequent waterings it can do this.
Rose Bushes in July

Blooming beautiful! Our rose bushes started blooming towards the end of June so will be looking even better throughout July. Ready to fill the garden with colour and fragrance upon arrival, sending a rose bush this month is something to suit almost any occasion.
Planting rose bushes in July. Pot grown rose bushes can be planted at any time of the year. Choose a space in the garden that gets plenty of sun for the best location for your rose bush.
Water frequently. In the flowering period rose bushes are thirsty plants. Make sure to water frequently when the soil feels dry. Especially on freshly planted rose bushes while they are still becoming established.
Lawn Maintenance in Summer
Mow the lawn. Just like everything else in the garden, you may have noticed your grass is growing like crazy! While it may seem like a mammoth job to keep on top of, cutting lawn regularly will make the job easier. Avoid cutting when too dry as this can damage the grass.
Watering. Don’t let your grass dry out too much and water when needed. Try to use your conserved rainwater where possible.
Feeding and fertilising. July is a great time for adding fertiliser to your lawn so that it keeps pushing out lots of nice healthy, green growth.
Watch out for weeds! The warm weather will also bring an onslaught of weeds throughout the garden. Keep a close eye on your lawn, removing any weeds as they start to grow.
Watering Trees and Plants in July
With all this hot weather, it’s no wonder that our trees and plants are so thirsty.
Conserve and use rainwater. Use your water butts to collect rainwater and choose this over tap water where possible. Not only is this water more beneficial to your plants it’s also better for the planet too.
Best time to water. The best time to be watering your plants is either early in the morning or later in the evening. This will minimise the amount of evaporation.
Water the base of your plants. When watering, hold the watering can or hose to the base of the plant so that the water can go directly to the soil and to the roots of the plant. Avoid getting water on the leaves of plants as this may cause sunburn.
Keep newly planted plants moist. If you’ve been busy planting this summer then make sure to keep new trees and plants well watered. They will need a lot more water than you may think until their root systems become well established in dry weather.
Potted Plants in July
Water, water, water. Potted plants are prone to drying out in hot weather, especially ones in terracotta pots. Check the soil moisture daily by feeling the top inch of soil. If it feels dry then give the pot a deep watering ensuring it has good drainage.
Tip: Dampen terracotta pots to preserve moisture levels in compost and stop it from drawing the moisture from the soil. This will also keep the roots of potted plants cooler in hotter weather.
Pruning Trees and Plants in July
Deadhead repeat flowering roses. Regularly deadhead your rose bushes to keep them tidy and promote a long and beautiful flowering period. These will include hybrid tea roses and floribunda roses. Single bloom roses can be pruned once after flowering has finished.
Prune deciduous magnolias. The best time for pruning deciduous magnolia trees is July.
Prune shrub holly. When growing holly as a shrub it should only need to be pruned once a year. This pruning is best to be done in the first couple of weeks of July.
Shape your Bay Trees. The second more precise pruning on bay trees should be done now. Neaten up on the shape that was created in the spring and cut back any new growth from the early summer months.
Dealing with Pests in July
Watch out for slugs. If you’ve been working hard towards getting a good crop in the garden this year, the last thing you want is for the slugs to eat it first. Control them early on to prevent mass damage, try using a natural deterrent. Copper tape is a great preventative measure of slugs on potted plants.
Check leaves for aphids. Aphids can become a problem when they start reproducing at a rapid rate. Check the undersides of leaves to keep a close eye on them. If you come across some, try removing them by hand or spraying with soapy water. You can also introduce a natural predator to the garden such as ladybirds.
Protecting new Plants in Summer
The weather is warm and there is no frost in sight but this doesn’t mean plants can’t get damaged. Especially freshly planted ones.
Sun protection. Just like humans, plants can get burnt. If you have plants that aren’t great for full sun then keep these out of direct sunlight as to avoid singeing the leaves. If you do need to do any watering throughout the day when it’s sunny then keep the water from the leaves as this is another way the foliage can end up with a bit of sunburn.
Dry soil. Before plants have become more established, they are at a higher risk of drying out. They will have limited access to water so will need extra care in hot weather.
Feeding your Plants in July
Woody flowering varieties. Only apply feeds and fertilisers to trees and plants that really need it in the summer. These include plants such as roses, that are woody and flowering. Most others like fruit trees only need fertiliser twice a year.
Half the recommended dose. It is recommended to half the amount of feed that is advised on the label and is best to apply this in early mornings or evenings to avoid burning the plants.
What’s Looking Good in July?
Everything! Your garden should be looking lovely and lush all month long with most things looking their best.
Garden Wildlife in July
Top up birdbaths and put out water bowls. Your garden isn’t the only thing that needs water. Encourage passing wildlife to stop and have a drink or a bath in the hot weather. Keep your birdbaths topped up and put out some fresh bowls of water for any thirsty visitors.
Look after your beneficial wildlife. Keep a close eye on all the beneficial wildlife in the garden. These include ladybirds, hoverflies and lacewings. They will feast on the aphids and make your life much easier.
Fruits and Veggies in July
Get thinning. Fruit trees will have started to produce lots of little fruitlets. These need to be thinned out in order for the tree to grow high quality, full-sized fruits for harvest. This will also prevent any rotting or overcrowding.
Thirsty workers. Just like you, hard at work, trees and plants that produce crop are thirsty workers. Make sure to water them daily throughout times of very hot weather, ensure that the compost around stays moist but not too wet.
Water your raspberries more often. Raspberry plants have shallow root systems and dry out quite quickly. They will appreciate being watered more deeply and often.
Prune plums, apricots, peaches and cherries. Pruning stoned fruit trees throughout the summer reduces the risk of silver leaf disease.
Maximise your figs. Once your fig tree has developed 5 leaves on the side shoots, pinch these out to increase the productivity giving you a higher yield of crop.
Harvesting in July
Fruiting Cherry Trees. Early cropping cherry trees should have red ripening fruit on their branches ready for picking from mid-July onwards. These early croppers include the sunburst cherry tree and Stella cherry trees, their fruit ripe for picking from the third week of July.
Early season plums. Any early cropping plum varieties will have their fruit start to ripen from late July onwards.
Bay leaves. While they can be harvested and used fresh throughout the year, the aromatic oils in the leaves at this time of year is at its highest which makes them perfect for drying.
Peaches, nectarines and apricots. Varieties of soft stoned fruits will be starting to ripen. A few trips may be needed as the fruits ripen at different rates.
Indoor Gardening tips for July
Feed your citrus. Now is a great time to start fertilising your citrus trees, you can use a special summer citrus feed.
Water your houseplants. Check your indoor plants every couple of days, as they are growing vigorously too they will need more frequent watering.
Plan for holidays. If you’re planning on going on holiday this summer then make plans for your house plants. Self-watering plant pots are a great option to keep the soil moist while you're away. If not then enlist a friend or family as plant sitter.