Fauna and Flora International’s Global Tree Project
Tree2MyDoor is currently working with Fauna and Flora International’s Global Tree Project partners to develop a “Dedicated Tree” programme that will help conserve many of the world’s most endangered tree species.
From rare Magnolias in China, to disappearing Palms in Tanzania; threatened Conifers in Vietnam and endangered Apple Trees in Kyrgyzstan, Fauna and Flora International (FFI) which has over 100 different conservation projects in over 40 different countries, is currently involved in a dozen tree conservation projects across the Globe, ranging from identifying key sites for threatened trees in southern China and Vietnam to saving threatened hardwoods in Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains.
Already leading the field in dedicated tree programmes in the UK, Tree2MyDoor is currently involved in FFI Tree projects in Brazil, Chile and Belize. In Belize, for example, conservationists are currently investigating the sustainable management of the Honduran Rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii); a high quality timber used in the production of musical instruments but currently under threat from local agriculture practices.
Founder Gareth Mitchell says: “ Tree2MyDoor has worked hard to support a number of conservation projects and since the company started, in 2004, we are delighted to report we’ve raised over £10,000 to support the Global Tree Campaign.”
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