Hi everyone,
Hope you are enjoying this lovely weather that most of us have been experiencing in the UK. Spring is definitely underway and trees are showing their first buds for the coming season – so we are all happy here at tree2mydoor.
We’re really excited about bringing you all our new range of rose bushes this month; please take a look at our hybrid tea and floribunda rose selection. Here’s a quick glimpse of what we have to offer...
Firstly we have a great range of anniversary roses for sale: There is the happy anniversary rose, whose delicate light pink flowers bring joy to the garden year on year. In addition to this we have the Pearl Anniversary Rose to celebrate a special 30th anniversary and the ruby anniversary rose for a unique 40th anniversary gift. And of course our range wouldn’t be complete without offering roses for the real milestone anniversary’s that 25th anniversary and golden anniversary. The Silver Anniversary Rose features lovely long and slender stems, making the Silver Anniversary Rose, a perfect flower for cutting if that’s your thing. The elegant white flowers would make a superb centre piece for the table. Then there is the golden anniversary rose, the perfect gift to celebrate a 50th wedding anniversary, with its golden yellow petals.
But it’s not all about anniversary roses before I get too carried away... oh no! We also have the retirement rose, a fitting gift to say thank you and good luck after all that hard work. And the my mum rose, not only for Mother’s Day, but a great way to say thanks to mum for all her hard work.
To see our complete range of rose gifts click on the picture below.