2009 - The Gift Revolution Starts Here!


Happy New Year from Tree2mydoor Happy New Year from Tree2mydoor

Its been a little over 5 years since Tree2mydoor was born, over this time we have kept a very low profile in the UK gift industry. The very idea of sending trees as gifts when we started out was peculiar to most people! However as we enter 2009, British society has moved forward with environmental issues at the forefront of many peoples minds. We are finding that our customers want to send trees over cut flowers, chocolates and even jewellery! This is great news for Tree2mydoor and for the UK gift industry!

2009 will herald the beginning of the Tree2mydoor green revolution. No, we don't plan on storming parliament or demonstrating with placards, instead we aim to offer trees as gifts to be positive lasting gift products. Its already looking like a recession wont have a big impact on our business development this year.

This is our first ever blog, so bear with us until we get the hang of it!