With winter upon us, it’s the time of year when our native tree species are dormant and thus they are probably quite far from the mind of the average person. It’s true that there is no tree which has a close symbolic attachment to this time of year, at least not in the way that, say a Horse-Chestnut (conker tree) has with late September/early October. As a result of this, it is quite easy to let thoughts of native British trees fall on the back burner. Yet this time of year, whilst the trees are dormant, is an excellent time to plant a native tree ready for the year ahead.
With all the recent coverage about the government’s proposal to sell off some of Britain’s most loved forests and woods, I thought it would be a great idea to write about why I think native trees are so important to us and why everyone should be protecting their existence.
First off: What are native trees anyway? Well, Native trees, as the name implies, are just that; they are trees which are native to a particular place. At Tree2mydoor we have a wonderful wide ranging selection of British Native trees, naturally suited to growing here.
Why are UK Native Trees so important to us?
- Trees are our lungs; they take CO2 that we create and turn it into oxygen, without trees we would all be gasping for air.
- Native UK trees, like the Silver Birch Tree are a vital source of food and protection for our wildlife.
- Having Native trees in our everyday life is an excellent way to teach youngsters about the wildlife and nature around us.
- Trees like the Oak Tree are a part of our heritage. We can’t afford to lose them, they are ingrained in us.
- Not really a reason why native trees are important to us, but a brilliant reason to own one; because native trees like the Rowan Tree are naturally suited to conditions in Britain, they are a doddle to look after.
Now is the time to think about our native trees, especially with proposed government plans to sell-off parts of our natural woodland to be used as airports and golf courses, it is important to remember that we need our native trees.
Remember you can always talk to us on twitter, send a tweet over to @tree2mydoor and let us know how you feel about the forest situation.
As always hope you are all having a great week
Tree2mydoor team x