There have been a couple of reports that suggest that some parts of the UK may experience a little frost over the coming days and nights – but don’t worry with a little extra care and forethought your plants and trees should be fine. Have a look at the forecast in your area for night frosts as these can easily take you by surprise and could spell trouble for your fruit crop this summer.
For those of you with Bay Trees and Olive Trees – It would be a good idea to bring in your tree from the air frost. A porch or conservatory area would be an excellent place for your tree and would provide the protection needed against any icy snaps.
If you have one of our Fruit Trees then you also need to be mindful of a potential negative dip in temperature. A little bit of frost can ruin your fruit crop early in the season and if it’s a really bad one, you might not get a very good crop to come summertime. To look after your fruit tree a simple solution is to cover your tree with some sort of fabric or sheeting – this will prevent the worst of the frost. Just take a sheet of plastic or even a cotton sheet and cover the fruit tree and then tie it around the base to stop it blowing away.
A snappy period could put an end to all those summer fruit dreams – so be careful, but there is nothing to worry about as long as you follow a few simple steps and keep those trees and plants that are a little more delicate out of the brunt of the cold attack.