According to the papers, last year’s harsh winter coupled with a poor pound/euro exchange rate is to blame. Typically around 1million trees each year are usually supplied to Britain from Norway, whereas this year it is expected that fewer than 200,000 will make it. It is therefore expected that the price of the Christmas trees will soar; the demand shortage giving suppliers the opportunity to set the price levels at whatever they want.
Tree buyers may find it really hard to get hold of a tree this Christmas leading to massive disappointment, but there could be a way out of this dilemma especially for the more creative thinker and eco-minded person. In this current situation, now is a great time to start thinking about alternative Christmas tree ideas. I’m thinking trees that last Vs trees that die in a matter of weeks; it certainly makes more sense for the environment and even more sense from a money perspective. These alternate Christmas themed trees, like our holly tree or one of our citrus trees, probably won’t replace the Christmas tree entirely for most people, but they are a really fun way of introducing a bright burst of colour into your life at Christmas (and for the rest of the year). What could be more festive than the smell of fresh oranges (Orange trees will typically fruit in winter) or the red berries from a holly tree at Christmas? I don’t think much.
Want an alternative Christmas tree? Give the holly and the citrus some of your time; you just might like it ;-). Or have a look at our full range of unique Christmas gift ideas. Tree2mydoor team x