More Jams and More Apples!

Today we have our 3rd apple recipe of the week and it is another fantastic recipe from Clippy! This Bramley & Lime Curd recipe was given to us by Clippy and has been taken from her ‘Preserving the Nation’ UK school cookery tour.

Now we told you all about Clippy yesterday and about her fantastic journey of success, we asked her in our second recipe, to use as many of our products as possible. This curd sounds delicious and we cannot wait to make our own.

Bramley & Lime Curd Jam

Fruit curds are very delicate little things; it doesn’t like to be boiled as the curd will split. This Bramley & Lime Curd recipe was given to us by Clippy and has been taken from her ‘Preserving the Nation’ UK school cookery tour.

Now we told you all about Clippy yesterday and about her fantastic journey of success, we asked her in our second recipe, to use as many of our products as possible. This curd sounds delicious and we cannot wait to make our own.

Makes 2-3 jars
450g of Bramley apples (peeled, cored & chopped) Bramley Apple Tree Gift
450g of granulated sugar
125g of salted butter (softened & diced)
4 large free range eggs (approximately 200ml of beaten eggs)
6 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lime juice & finely grated zest of 2 limes

First place your jam jars in a pre-heated oven (130oC for 15minutes to sterilise the jars).
Secondly make sure you have weighed all your ingredients & your equipment and utensils are

Put the chopped apples with the water and lemon juice into a separate pan and cook until
soft, fluffy and pulpy.

Rub the apple mixture through a sieve in a heatproof bowl placed over a pan of simmering
water. Add the sugar, lime juice, and zest to the puree – over the lowest possible heat. Add
the butter once the sugar has dissolved.

Once the butter has melted (make sure the mixture is hot, thick and glossy), add the beaten
egg through a sieve and whisk with a balloon whisk or wooden spoon until the curd is thick
and creamy (it should coat the back of a spoon – approximately 10 minutes cooking time). On
no account must it boil or it may curdle.

Immediately jar the curd and use within 4 weeks. Store in a cool, dark place.

This is the best thing since sliced bread!

Once again, a massive thank you to Clippy for her two fantastic Recipes! Get in touch with her on twitter or on her website!

As usual at Tree2mydoor we are eager to see what you will be doing on apple day, or if you do get chance to make one of our fabulous recipes, please share with us any pictures on our Facebook: Tree2mydoor and our Twitter: @tree2mydoor.