Gardening Jobs for November

Time to get tree planting Native Trees

November is a great time to get planting native trees and shrubs, especially deciduous trees. Around this time of year they are dormant and therefore it is an ideal time to plant them. As long as the ground isn’t frosty then you can get out and get your native tree saplings in place for the year ahead. As well as planting trees and shrubs out, November is a great time for doing odd jobs that will protect your trees and plants for the next year and making sure they are ready to cope with the onset of cold wintery conditions brrrr.

Walking in a Wood Enjoying a walk in the woods. Now is the time to plant your Native Trees!

Need to prune?

When the leaves start to turn then and begin falling off the trees then it is ok to start pruning your fruit trees like apples, pears and so on. However, do not prune stone fruit trees like the apricot tree in winter as the sap is being drawn into the tree and pruning at this time would cause damage and may leave the tree vulnerable during the cold winter months.

What to do with the apples

If you are lucky there might be a few apples left hanging around on the trees, even when slightly overripe these can be used for making apple stew; which is excellent served on the Christmas table. You can, of course, make it now and freeze it so it’s ready for Christmas.

Tying a young tree Making sure young trees are tied securely to prevent wind damage this winter.

Protect your trees in winter

In wind prone areas it is a really good idea to prune flowering rose bushes by around a third or so. This stops the wind from throwing the branches about and potentially damaging them.

Also, it is a good idea to collect the leaves from fallen trees and this can be used. Any sort of mulch around the base of a young tree will provide protection for the roots during the winter months. However be careful using mulch, some smaller perennials and Mediterranean herbs do not like having mulch around them and it can rot them.


Help feed little mouths

If there are many apples or other fruits lying on the ground, don’t be overzealous with the cleanup routine, you could leave some for the birds and the insects.

Rowan trees are a great tree to have in the garden and waxwings love the bright red berries, of course, if you haven’t already got a rowan tree, then you can’t magic one up but you can help out the birds by putting some birdseed out for the birds during the cold months.

In addition to helping out a little on the food front, mulch around the bottom of trees and the skeletons of trees and bushed not in season can provide shelter for wintering insects.