How To Grow Lemon Trees Indoors: A Step-by-Step Guide

Growing a lemon tree indoors in the UK is both a fun and rewarding experience for gardeners. Whether it's for decoration or to enjoy fresh lemons, this fruit tree can be grown in a pot and kept inside your home or greenhouse. If you're wondering how to get started on this exciting adventure, this guide is for you. We will take you through a step-by-step process to grow your own healthy, delicious lemon tree in the UK.


Step 1: Choose the Right Variety of Lemon Tree

The first thing you need to do is to choose the right species of lemon tree that can grow well indoors. Some of the best lemon tree varieties that are suitable for UK indoor growth are Meyer Lemon, Lisbon Lemon, Eureka Lemon, and Ponderosa Lemon.  These trees are all self-fertile, meaning that they don't need a companion tree for pollination, and they can be grown in pots.

Step 2: Provide the Right Growing Conditions

After choosing the right variety of lemon tree, it's time to provide the ideal growing conditions. Lemon trees prefer warm, sunny conditions, but they can also thrive in cooler climates indoors. Place your pot in a sunny spot, ideally facing south. They also need a well-drained soil mix that retains moisture, so be sure to mix a good quality potting soil with some organic compost. About 2 to 3 inches of mulch can keep the soil moist, and it can also help ward off pests.

Step 3: Water and Fertilise Your Lemon Tree

Lemon trees require regular watering, but not too much. Only water when the soil is dry to the touch, and avoid over watering or letting the pot sit in water. Typically, watering once a week should suffice, but you can adjust the frequency according to the dryness of the soil. Fertilise your lemon tree twice a month during the growing season, which is typically from spring to late summer, with a citrus fertiliser or organic fertiliser.

Step 4: Prevent and Treat Pests and Diseases 

Lemon trees can suffer from pests and diseases, both indoor and outdoor. The most common pests are scale insects and spider mites, which can cause yellowing or leaf drop. To prevent pests, regularly check your tree for signs of infestation, and wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth. If you catch them early, you can get rid of them with an insecticidal soap. For diseases, avoid over watering and provide good air circulation around the plant.

Step 5: Prune Your Lemon Tree and Harvest the Fruit 

Pruning your lemon tree can help it grow in a more desirable shape and promote healthy growth. In general, you can prune your tree in the spring by removing dead or crossing branches. When it comes to picking your fruit, wait until it's fully ripe and yellow in colour. When you're ready to harvest, cut the fruit from the tree with a sharp pair of scissors.


Growing a lemon tree indoors in the UK can provide you with tasty rewards and enrich your gardening experience. By following these simple steps, you can successfully grow your own lemon tree right in your home or greenhouse. Choosing the right variety of lemon tree, providing the right growing conditions, watering and fertilising, pest prevention and treatment, pruning, and harvesting fruit are all essential parts of the process. With patience, persistence, and care, you can enjoy fresh, healthy lemons straight from your own tree!