New Year New Start

New Years Resolutions

We all make New Year's resolutions and most of us (us included) don't usually stick to them. It is all just to easy to cheat a little and before you know it we're right back where we started. This is not always a bad thing and can sometimes be just what you need.

Soooo, the big questions is what are you're New Year's resolutions this year? Plus more importantly, do you intend to stick to them?

We had a bit of a get together before we broke up for Christmas and had a little festive drinkie before we all enjoyed a well-deserved break. The 2 most popular resolutions were

  • Eat Healthier
  • Exercise more

With this in mind we got to thinking, how could you put those Christmas gifts that you have just got to some productive use after Christmas has finished. You will see how we have taken the gifts you would of got this Christmas and made them work for you.

Happy and Healthy 2014

Being happy and healthy after those weeks of eating and drinking come as a welcome relief when the holiday season is over. We have wracked our brains to come up with some amazing ideas to do with the fruits of your labour (get it? :D)


One of our personal favs is the amazing Blueberry Smoothie! Packing with amazing antioxidants this superfood will make sure that you are rocking throughout the whole of 2014.

Apart from needing a blender, you will also need the following ingredients.

  • 175ml Apple Juice (Remember we can smoothie not paste :D)
  • 120m Natural Yoghurt
  • 1 Banana, peeled and chopped
  • 170g Blueberries

Once you have everything, there is nothing else to do than turn on that blender and blitz it all together. It will taste absolutely amazing and you know that it will be great for you.

Send a Blueberry Plant Gift Blueberry Plant Gift


If Blueberry is not to your liking (we know it is really) there is always the super trooper Grapefruit.  Not only is Grapefruit perfect if you want to lose weight, according to studies eating half a grapefruit before a meal helps you slim down quicker! This superfood has amazing effects on blood sugar and insulin levels as well as containing those amazing antioxidants!

Why not whip up fresh grapefruit juice every morning for the whole of January and see what a world of difference it makes. All you need is half a pink Grapefruit and 250ml of fresh orange juice! (We chose pink as it is slightly less tangy!)

Send a Grapefruit Tree Gift Grapefruit Tree Gift

If you're feeling a little naughty then why not sprinkle a little sugar over your morning grapefruit to give it that hint of sweetness! But shh! We are trying to be good and we didn't tell you that!

Tree2mydoors Fruit Tree Tips

Now that we have passed that Christmas stage and are moving full swing into the New Year its time to think about fruit trees and what we can do for them this some winter. Remember a happy fruit tree will always show the fruits of your labour.

Tree care is very important during the winter to ensure that your lovely trees stay happy and healthy in return giving you lots and lots of fruit. Each different tree requires a few different things to ensure they stay happy. Below you will find some handy bullet points about different types of trees and what they do and don't like!

  • Peach Trees should now be in a Green or Glasshouse to ensure they don't get that cold water on them. We don't want any unhappy Peaches with leaf curl!
  • Citrus Trees should be happily situated in the Conservatory, greenhouse or well ventilated sunlit room. Citrus Trees enjoy lots of sun, a nice breeze and can be dried out by central heating.
  • Olive trees are evergreen and are a hardy type of tree, don't worry about having them outside they are tougher than they look. However, if you think or expect we will have heavy snow and frost get them covering out! your olive will thank you later :D
  • Bay Trees are the same as olives, strong trees who will do you proud over the winter. Tip on the leaves, however, dry them out first with some muslin cloth, they will make you cooking even better.
  • We know Christmas is over and all that dreaded wrapping is finally over with however your Potted and Planted Trees would love a little coat on when it gets very very cold. You don't have to go to great expense a normal household bin bag will do!
  • You can find out more about our bin bag method and Tree care here (Blue Peter style, this is a blog we prepared earlier)
  • Of course, we have a very friendly and helpful customer service team ready to answer any questions or queries you may have. We are always happy to help just give us a call on 0161 870 6368 or email

We really could go on and on about tree care, we are really looking forward to a bumper crop of delicious fruit this year.

Well, we are sure you are sick of hearing me waffle on in this lovely blog, so with that in mind we would like to wish everyone who we haven't already a Happy New Year and that you have been good and kept to them resolutions. To be frank, a few of us in the office have already failed, but we will try and make it up for the rest of January :D

We hope you had as much fun reading this blog as we did writing it!

Please let us know on Facebook or Twitter how your New Started and if you have been good and kept up with all your New Years resolutions! 

Much Love!
