Dedicate a tree gift service now launched!
We are very excited to tell you about the launch of our Dedicate a tree gift service. Looking for a unique and interesting gift, want to support charity? This could be perfect for you.
Help support charity by tree planting with one of our fantastic new Dedicate a Tree packs. For each pack sold, we are passing on profits to the tree conservation charity of your choice. You can help us plant more trees and conserve our beautiful wildlife heritage and choose a charity close to your heart and local area. Each and every tree gift pack makes a huge difference.

What the ‘dedicate a tree packs’ contain:
- A gift presentation certificate
- Information about the tree conservation that this gift box has supported
- Instructions on how to register your tree dedication.
- *That warm and fuzzy feeling knowing you have helped really important cause and that you have helped trees to be planted directly on your behalf.
Find out more about the charities that your dedicate a tree pack will help:
Trees for cities: work with communities to plant trees in parts of cities that need it most. They aim to grow stronger neighbourhoods, enhance urban landscapes. They operate in; Bath, Brighton, Bristol, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London (taking a breath for air), Manchester, Nottingham, Peterborough, Reading and Sheffield. Dedicate a tree in cities across the UK

BTCV – Northern Ireland Tree Campaign: these guys get involved in mass planting events and hold training courses and workshops. You can read more about the Northern Ireland Tree Campaign. Now you can Dedicate a tree in Northern Ireland.
Trees for Life: working to restore the Caledonian forest and its species to a large area in the highlands of Scotland. Read more about the Trees for Life campaign. You can now Dedicate a Tree in the Scottish Highlands!
White Rose Forest: Kirklees council have been working to preserve the beauty of Scammonden water in the Penine Valley. Dedicate a tree for the White Rose Forest.
And of course we must mention, our continued support of Fauna and Flora International and their global trees campaign
We will be featuring regular updates from our charity partners so stay tuned :)