British Gift Ideas

Summer is here and there is no better time to celebrate the ones that we love with gifts that get them outside and into the Great British outdoors. Many tree and plant gifts have their own symbolism, particularly in English culture. They symbolise growth, life, and the beauty of nature. For those looking to give something meaningful, British plant and tree gifts are a perfect choice. Here, we explore some exceptional options that are sure to delight garden enthusiasts, nature lovers, and eco-friendly gift seekers.


The Berry Box Gift

Berry box gift

Nothing signifies the start of a British summer quite like berries. With Wimbledon and the Euros around the corner, there’s no better time to give the Berry Box Gift. This delightful gift set features a selection of berry plants that will thrive in any garden, this set contains delicious blackberries and raspberries. Imagine the joy of picking fresh berries straight from their own back garden. It’s a gift that brings a burst of flavour and a touch of tradition to your loved one’s home. Ideal as a blooming birthday gift in these warmer months!


The English Oak Tree Gift

Oak Tree Sapling

The English Oak is a symbol of strength and endurance. Gifting an English Oak Tree is like giving a piece of history. Known for its resilience and longevity, this tree will stand tall for generations, providing shade, beauty, and a habitat for wildlife. It’s the perfect gift for those who have a little more space in the garden and it is an ideal British gift for someone celebrating a bigger occasion such as a big birthday or wedding.


The Rose Gift

arthur bell rose bush

Roses have long been a symbol of British elegance and charm. Tree2mydoor has an incredible variety of rose gifts that cover all occasions, from birthdays to weddings and anniversaries. The Rose Gift is ideal for any occasion and adds a touch of sophistication and colour to outdoor spaces, they are compact and very hardy in the UK climate making them a really easy gift to give. Whether you choose a classic red rose or a more unique variety, this gift promises to bloom beautifully, reminding the recipient of your thoughtfulness with every new petal.


The Large Peace Lily Plant

Large Peace Lily Plant

Lilies, especially the Lily of the Valley, hold a special place in British hearts. They were a favourite of the late Queen Elizabeth, symbolising purity and sweetness. The Lily Plant makes a wonderful gift for anyone who loves the delicate beauty and fragrant charm of these flowers. They’re perfect for brightening up a room and are fragrant indoor gifts, ideal for those without the outdoor space for a larger plant gift.


Why buy a British Gift from Tree2MyDoor?

We are a green gift company that truly cares about creating the meaningful moments that last in the lives of our customers. Delivering gifts to homes for over 20 years, we offer a wide range of British favourites, ensuring that each gift is not only beautifully delivered but also eco-friendly. Giving a gift from Tree2MyDoor means you’re not just giving a plant or tree; you’re giving a lasting legacy of growth and beauty.

British plant and tree gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate any occasion. They bring a touch of nature into our lives, reminding us of the beauty and tranquillity that the natural world offers. Whether it’s the Berry Box Gift for a birthday, an English Oak Tree for a wedding, a Rose Gift for an anniversary, or a Lily Plant for a new home, these gifts are sure to bring joy and wonder to anyone who receives them.