Fauna & Flora International
Fauna & Flora International is the world's longest established international conservation body, founded 100 years ago. Renowned for its science-based approach, FFI has pioneered sustainable conservation work that tackles problems holistically, providing solutions that simultaneously help wildlife, humans and the environment.
FFI acts to conserve threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science and compatible with human needs.
The Global Trees Campaign
Over 8000 tree species, 10% of the world's total, are threatened with extinction. Destruction of woodland and forest, as well as the unsustainable felling of valuable timbers are causing the loss of many important species. Very few of these endangered trees are being conserved in the wild. The Global Trees Campaign, developed by Fauna & Flora International in partnership with the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), is drawing attention to this global problem and finding solutions.
The Global Trees Campaign aims to save the world's most threatened tree species and their habitats through information, conservation and wise use. The campaign focuses on trees as flagship species for conservation of ecosystems and landscapes, and enables local people to carry out rescue and sustainable use operations. One of the components of the Campaign is ' SoundWood ', which specifically works to conserve threatened trees used in the musical instrument industry
How the Campaign works
• Adds tree conservation components to existing forestry & rehabilitation projects managed by FFI or our partners.
• Initiates new projects in areas of high tree species diversity and threat.
• Works to influence appropriate international policy.
• Uses small grants to kick start field projects for priority species.
Tree planting projects
Often the Global Trees Campaign's projects are specifically involved with tree planting for forest regeneration. These include work with Botanic Gardens and Universities to propagate and distribute seedlings, as well as helping to set up and manage small-scale nurseries in local communities around the world. The aim of these planting schemes is to help restore native forest and to provide the people living there with species they can use to reduce the pressure on natural forest.
The projects offered in partnership with Tree2MyDoor are all working with local communities to improve livelihoods as well as helping to restore the rainforests around them.
Tree dedication
The partnership with Tree2MyDoor enables us to offer you a dedication service on selected Global Trees Campaign projects. Your purchase will enable a threatened tree to be grown from seed and planted out as part of a forest regeneration programme. In addition, the project where your dedication is grown will also support the local communities and help to ensure the forest where that tree is planted may be protected long into the future.
The recipient of your gift will get an information pack on the project, forest and species, as well as a certificate of planting from the conservation project you have chosen to support.
Conservation Projects
• Projecto Pau Brasil, Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil.
• Toledo Forest Management, Golden Stream Corridor Preserve , Belize.
Tree2MyDoor and The Global Trees Campaign will be bringing you more dedication projects and sustainable gift ideas shortly.
Further information
If you have any further questions about the Global Trees Campaign or Fauna & Flora International, please visit our websites at www.globaltrees.org and www.fauna-flora.org .